Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

--talking induced dry mouth
--smell of military surplus ponchos in our room-what did we expect collaborating with the Ace?
--Dawn Sharp's amazing printed bed sheets
--more talking induced dry mouth
--robotic repetition explaining "what is......?" PGF
--surrounded by Portland beauties
--jumpsuit wedgie

 This is a hallway moment at CONTENT 11 brought to you by portlandispretty.com

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Made In The USA

This is the image folks, the image of Made in America. American flag pumps.
In all seriousness, Portland Garment Factory is excited to be presenting at this event in Seattle aimed at,
"helping local companies source and manufacture their products closer to home. Many companies are choosing domestic production in a trend that is being seen industry-wide. Benefits of domestic apparel production include speed-to-market, quality control, social responsibility and reduced shipping costs. Although many companies hesitate to produce domestically due to pricing or minimum production requirements, Fashion Group is confident that the manufacturers presenting at the September ‘Made in the USA' event can be viable resources for small and medium-sized companies looking to start or maintain domestic production."

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


WorkingWORKINGworking. We love to work our booties off for PGF.
Proof is in the pudding....when the pudding is press and the press is ECOTERRE.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


After a lengthy hiatus from the blogosphere, your old pals at PGF are back! We have been absolutely up to our eyeballs in projects, events and general bad-assery, and are thrilled to have had so many great things to report. Since we last checked in, we have worked with so many amazing and creative people and have produced over 5500 garments!
We have worked with some lovely folks so far this year. We thank you for your support and salute you for choosing to produce your garments in an environmentally and socially responsible way.

Makelike - Lemolo Bags - Josh Buck - Pilloporto - Alma - Canlis - Tutu & Betz - Dally Brand - She She - A Bird Baby - Girl & A Mouse - Poler - PreFresh - Vian Hunter - The Good Flock - Oddball - Sapling - Rio Wren - Lunette - RYZ - Bonfire - 8th of Judah - Dawn Sharp - Issac Hers - GEAR - JET - Sweetskins - Bridge and Burn - Nia - Blitzen - Cold Splinters - Jess Desbrow - Peri Ponchos